The Legislative Decree No. 153 of October 3 2009, established the creation of a new model of Pharmacy, the Pharmacy of Services, intended as a multifunctional center for social-health services. This was achieved through the introduction of new services and performances to be offered to citizens within a renewed relationship with public health. These services aim to improve adherence to therapy for major chronic diseases, enhance prevention activities, and allow citizens to perform diagnostic tests in the pharmacy using telemedicine, thus avoiding the need to visit public health facilities. This new pharmacy model serves as a connection point between doctors, hospitals, and the National Health Service (SSN) in their efforts to assist citizens.
Why the Pharmacy LM+?
The Pharmacy LM+ aims to promote the cultural shift of the pharmacist, focusing on their educational path. With the knowledge acquired during their studies and the training experience of the internship year, pharmacy graduates following the Plus pathway will be able not only to correctly dispense medication but also to interact in a multidisciplinary collaboration with general practitioners, pediatricians, nurses, and caregivers. The goal is to attract highly motivated students who can then act as "internal drivers" for the evolution of community pharmacies towards the "Pharmacy of Services" system.
What does Pharmacy LM+ entail?
The Pharmacy LM+ aims to provide training activities that enhance the professionalism of pharmacists by developing the necessary skills to become healthcare consultants, specialized in patient care. This is within the framework of the new Pharmacy of Services model, which positions the community pharmacy as a liaison between doctors, hospitals, and the healthcare system in assisting citizens with their health and well-being.
Is the training activity in the Pharmacy LM+ different from the regular internship?
The pathway includes two lines of intervention:
– A preparatory classroom-based course for the internship, covering three elective modules: Services and performances provided in the pharmacy; Medical devices; Evaluation of minor pathologies and remedies. These credits (9 ECTS) can be earned in excess or included in the study plan as "elective modules";
– An additional 6-month internship at an intermediate distributor/service company/territorial pharmacy. The student will be supervised by specialists and will have the opportunity to specialize in service activities, gaining knowledge in "telemedicine" and the "Pharmacy of Services" while deepening their understanding of both the technological and communication aspects. The training projects will be shared with the faculty of the University of Pavia. Meetings, including informal ones, will be proposed to allow students to get to know the companies and their programs.
How is Pharmacy LM+ structured?
During the Master's Degree program, students can graduate within 11 semesters, with an excess of 30 or 39 ECTS.
This pathway is a distinctive element of our university, unique within the degree programs at the regional and national levels. Selected students may consider the option of part-time enrollment, as stated in Article 11 of the call for applications and Article 6 of the Degree program's academic regulation (please contact the Student Secretariat staff).
Coordinator of Pharmacy LM+
President of the Academic Board